MedFox Books

Rapid Virus Recovery: No need to live in fear!
It's normal and appropriate to fear an infection that can take your life, especially when you believe that you cannot avoid getting it or that you cannot cure it once you have it. The COVID pandemic now has most of the world population literally petrified.

Magnesium: Reversing Disease
The painstaking work of digging through every nugget of recent medical research on magnesium revealed a grand picture that even the medical visionary Thomas Levy didn't anticipate. The bottom line is that magnesium is the natural antidote for the root cause of all pathalogical damage from every disease and poisoning known to man. As grandiose as that claim may sound, the proof's inside!

Hidden Epidemic
Infected teeth, infected gums, infected tonsils, and even infected sinuses always cause enough discomfort to drive us to a physician or dentist, but none of these are life-threatening... right? Wrong! In fact, dead wrong! They often kill, and they typically do it in a silent fashion.

Stop America's #1 Killer!
According to national statistics, your odds of developing coronary heart disease may be greater than getting tails in a simple coin toss! Why leave it to chance? Learn how to avoid an expensive and painful trip to the cardiac intensive care unit and/or the cardiac surgical suite. In a very simple and inexpensive 3-pronged approach, you'll learn how to prevent and even reverse the arterial blockages that cause millions of heart attacks and send droves of Americans to the operating room for open heart surgery.

Curing the Incurable
Don't just accept a casual, unenlightened assessment of what high-dose vitamin C can and cannot do. Read the truth for yourself... High-dose vitamin C has been able to cure or contribute to the cure of many common infectious diseases, such as hepatitis and polio. Here's documented evidence that vitamin C is the treatment of choice for many potentially fatal infectious diseases and toxins.

The Toxic Tooth
If you think root canals aren't anything to worry about (well, except for the possible discomfort and expense), a new book by Robert Kulacz, DDS and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD is a must-read. The Toxic Tooth: How a root canal could be making you sick delivers exactly what the title promises: A surprising, powerful exposé of one of dentistry's most common procedures.

Death by Calcium
Recent scientific studies now provide overwhelming proof that unequivocally confirms what many non-mainstream healthcare practitioners have long known and asserted: The regular intake of dairy and calcium supplementation promotes all known chronic degenerative diseases, and it significantly shortens life. All physicians and patients alike need to know the truth about calcium. Most people already have too much calcium in their tissues, and the incessant trumpeting of the purported health benefits of calcium supplementation and high-dairy diets must finally be exposed as marketing ploys only. The truth about calcium must finally be known.

Primal Panacea
A hereditary defect prevents the human body from synthesizing a natural cure-all made by most animals and found in abundance by primal man. Overwhelming documentation proves when one's blood levels of the "primal panacea" are sufficiently high, it prevents and cures cancer, heart disease, infectious and degenerative diseases, and can neutralize and even reverse damage from virtually all toxins, venoms, and radiation!